Hey!!! First project of the winter season went underway yesterday as I made my niece's 15th Birthday Cake. My inspiration was the "sassy shades"cake by Wilton but I renamed it the "cool girl" cake lol.
The Flavour of the cake was Orange Spice. It tasted scrumptious! For the next time, I will double what the recipe says in order to be a bit more batter though. Want the recipe? Leave a comment below.
An overall run down of the cake:
I used fondant to cover the entire cake. I used Icing colours in order to tint the fondant yellow, brown, and the hair colour is terra cotta. (I'm sorta loving this terra cotta colour). I also used some piping gel to attach sparkle dust around the glasses, earrings, and headband.
Aside from making the cake, I also made cupcakes for the celebration. They were regular vanilla chip cupcakes with buttercream icing. On some there are gingerbread quins, coconut, yellow sugar, or fondant stars. Appropriate decorating for the celebration I believe since my niece is a star!
My lovely niece enjoying her cake. |
So the process took me about 3.5 hours to do roughly. I did have help preparing some batter pans from my lovely assistant: my sister Tiffany. Thanks for the help sis!
If you would like a cake like this to be done, have another idea you'd like to see, question, comment or concern, feel free to leave below or email us.
As Christmas is only 6 days away, show me or tell me what you've got in store!
Happy Baking!
Ashley <3